
甲子太歲:金辨星君 乙丑太歲:陳材星君
丙寅太歲:耿章星君 丁卯太歲:沈興星君
戊辰太歲:趙達星君 已巳太歲:郭燦星君
庚午太歲:王濟星君 辛未太歲:李素星君
壬申太歲:劉旺星君 癸西太歲:康志星君
甲戌太歲:施廣星君 乙亥太歲:任保星君
丙子太歲:郭嘉星君 丁丑太歲:汪文星君
戊寅太歲:魯先星君 已卯太歲:龍仲星君

庚辰太歲:董德星君 辛巳太歲:鄭但星君

壬午太歲:陸明星君 癸未太歲:魏仁星君

甲申太歲:方查星君 乙酉太歲:蔣崇星君

丙戌太歲:白敏星君 丁亥太歲:封濟星君

戊子太歲:鄒鐺星君 已丑太歲:傳佑星君

庚寅太歲:桓鄔星君 辛卯太歲:范寧星君 

壬辰太歲:彭泰星君 癸巳太歲:徐單星君
甲午太歲:章詞星君 乙未太歲:楊仙星君

丙申太歲:管仲星君 丁酉太歲:唐查星君

戊戌太歲:姜武星君 已亥太歲:謝太星君

庚子太歲:盧秘星君 辛丑太歲:楊信星君

壬寅太歲:諤賀星君 癸卯太歲:皮時星君

甲辰太歲:李誠星君 乙巳太歲:吳遂星君

丙午太歲:文哲星君 丁未太歲:繆丙星君

戊申太歲:徐浩星君 已酉太歲:程寶星君

庚戌太歲:兒秘星君 辛亥太歲:葉堅星君

壬子太歲:丘德星君 癸丑太歲:朱得星君

甲寅太歲:張朝星君 乙卯太歲:萬清星君

丙辰太歲:辛亞星君 丁巳太歲:楊彥星君

戊午太歲:黎卿星君 已未太歲:傅賞星君

庚申太歲:毛梓星君 辛酉太歲:石政星君

壬戌太歲:洪充星君 癸亥太歲:虞程星君
















How to use this “Tai sui” fu?

Before using the talisman, make a wish, holding the talisman in front of you, then fold it into a triangular shape and carry with you or place it in the wallet or handbag.

How to discharge the old talisman?

Due to the annual rotation of “Tai sui”, the “Tai sui” fu must be renewed every year. How then do we discard the old talisman? Actually we should offer a thanksgiving prayer to the old talisman at the end of year before changing to the new one.

The 60 Tai sui [ 六十太歲星君]

The Tai Sui (太歲) are stars directly opposite of Jupiter They influence the Chinese zodiac as well as Chinese Metaphyics.

In the Chinese zodiac, these 60 heavenly Assistants, assist the Jade Emperor in taking charge of the well-being of the Mortal World. Each of them takes turn to be in charge for a year. Due to most of them having a military background, they are normally known as the Military Generals. Each of their features and weapons signifies the well-being of that year. For example, if the Tai Sui of the year is one who holds a pen, it signifies political unrest for that particular year. On the other hand, if the Tai Sui of the year holds a spear or sword it signifies the need to work hard and excel for that year.

In Taoism, those who offended, or by their sign conflict with the Tai Sui of the year are advised to go through a prayer session with a Taoist Priest to ask for blessing in obtaining Peace and Good Fortune throughout the year. Talismans thought to protect again Tai Sui are sold in many areas.

The 60 Tai Sui Chart:

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Jia Zi 'Tai sui' - The Great General Jin Bian

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Zodiac sign - RAT

Conflict with RAT

Clashes with Horse

Causing Hurt with Rabbit

Incompatible with Rooster

Year on duty: 1924, 1984, 2044, 2104.......(+60)

A brief history of Tai sui "Jin Bian" [金辨]user posted image

He was born in the Ming Dynasty at Shan Yang [山阳], now the Shan Xi province at the southeast region of district Shan Yang. His real name was Jin Lian also known as Jin Bian.

In the 3rd year of the Ming Dynasty (1438A), he was promoted and assisted in the military affairs of the Ning Xia district. While on duty, Jin Bian [金辨] recommended the appointment of only competent personnel with high morality to be based at the military and was much praised by the people for his recommendation.

The district of Ning has long been suffering from a water shortage problem. There were originally 5 drainages of which 3 were clogged due to lack of maintenance. Jin Bian approached the Imperial Court and sought an allocation of funds to clear the clogged drainage in order that the 11,300 acres if abandoned land could be irrigated and put into use.

In order to encourage the rich to make donations to relief disasters, the Emperor ordered that whoever could contribute above 1,000 stone of rice grains towards disaster fund, the Emperor will issue an authentication endorsed with the Royal seal in acknowledgement. Jin Bian upon knowing that approached the Emperor and said that the land at the border was different from the mainland in that the cost of rice was higher. He proposed to the Emperor that for those who could not afford to contribute1,000 stone at the border land will also receive the authentication from the Emperor as well as an encouragement. The Emperor accepted the proposal and as a result the storage of rice grains at the border was adequate and the country folks had the assurance of a more secured living.

 Yi Chou 'Tai sui' - the Great General Chen Cai

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Zodiac = OX

Conflict with Ox

Clashes with Goat

Causing Hurt with Goat, Dog

Incompatible with Horse

Damaging with Dragon

Year on duty : 1925, 1985, 2045.....(+60)

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brief history of Tai sui “Chen Cai” user posted image

Yi Chou ‘Tai sui’ was born in the Song Dynasty at the Jin Hua [金花], now the Jin Hua City in the province of Zhe Jiang. He was known as Chen Cai [陈材]. In 1447, Chen Cai passed the Imperial examination and became a royal graduate. Chen Cai had a physique unusual of an ordinary man and was particularly strong in these arms. On one occasion as he was returning home at dawn passing through a farmland when he encountered a tiger approaching. He fought with the tiger empty handed and managed to have the tiger killed.

On another occasion, he was in the examination hall doing his examination with many others. In the course of the examination, the hall caught fire. It was customary at that time that the doors at the examination hall were locked and all the students were unable o escape. Under the circumstances, Chen Cai used his right hand pressed against the wall for support and lifted the students with his left hand and allowed them to climb over his shoulders to escape. He managed to save many of them and became very popular after that.

At the time when Chen Cai was appointed a district officer of the An Qiu district, burglary was rampant and valuables from the district treasury were being stolen.

Chen Cai single handedly with an 'elastic' ran after the burglars and managed to aim at one of them and hit him at the left eye and another at his right ear. When the other burglars noticed that he was such a shooter, kneeled before him and sought for pardon. Chen Cai ordered fir the return of all the valuables and returned them to the district treasury. As a punishment, Chen Cai canned each of them 30 times before he let them off. The official from the Imperial court was not happy with the way Chen Cai handled the situation and accused Chen Cai for favoring them. In frustration, Chen Cai resigned from his position and returned to his .

Bing Yin 'Tai sui" the Great General Geng Zhang

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Zodiac = Tiger

Conflict with Tiger

Clashes with Monkey

Causing hurt with Snake, Monkey

Incompatible with Snake

Damaging with Pig

Year on duty : 1926, 1986, 2046.....(+60)

A brief history of the Great General Geng Zhang (耿章)user posted image

Bing Yin ‘Tai sui’ was born during the Ming Dynasty at Lu Di (鲁地), within the region of Shan Dong province. His name was Geng Zhang Guang and also known as Geng Zhang (耿章) . Geng Zhang was the son of the Geng Ru who was the constable of Shan Xi. Geng Zhang had a strong character, unyielding and honest. He was very particular on details.

When his father Geng Ru was framed and imprisoned, Geng Zhang followed his father into prison and took care of him. After Geng Ru was executed, Geng Zhang wrote a letter with is own blood and sought redress for his father’s grievance and elaborated on his father’s innocence. All the ministers including the judges at the Imperial Court were touched by his filial act and were sympathetic towards him.

During the years of Chong Zhen (1628-1643), Geng Zhang became an official of the province of Qu Wo (a district in Shan Xi). There were heavy taxes imposed at tax tolls, which substantially increased the financial burden of the country folks. Geng Zhang took the initiative and proposed a reduction of the toll charges to lighten the burden of the country folks at large. By doing so, he offended the superior officials and was elbowed. Geng Zhang had no alternative but o quit his position.

Before leaving, Geng Zhang left a handwritten couplet, which literally meant that in order to relief the sufferings of the country folks, he had rather quit his position. He earnestly hoped that through unyielding efforts, Qu Wo would someday become a well-protected city with well-united country folks.

The country folks in remembrance of his kindness honored him upon his death and pay respect to him annually.

Zodiac = Rabbit

Conflict with Rabbit

Clashes with Rooster

Causing hurt with Rat

Incompatible with Dragon

Damaging with Horse

Year on duty : 1927, 1987, 2047.....(+60).

REBORN - May 25, 2007 01:26 PM (GMT)
Ding Mao 'Tai sui' - the Great General Shen Xing

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 brief history of the Great General Shen Xing (沈兴) user posted image

Ding Mao ‘Tai sui’ was born in the Ming Dynasty in Jian Ning(建宁). He was known as Shen Xing (沈兴) .

Shen Xing was not very tall, but was strong and sharp, particularly his eyes, which sparkles with glitters. Shen Xing was full of ideas in his undertakings and was fair and adopted transparency in carrying his duties.

During the years of Hong Wu (1368-1398), Shen Xing was appointed as the vigilant official and took charge of the country folks at Jian Ning.

He built city walls for security and took protective measures in warding off bandits from invasion. Internally, he protected the safety and peaceful living of the country folks. The country folks in Jian Ning enjoyed peaceful living under the protection of Shen Xing. Upon his death, he was succeeded by his four sons, namely Shen Liang, Shen Yong, Shen Ze and Shen Chong.

 Wu Chen 'Tai sui' the Great General Zhao Da

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Zodiac = Dragon

Conflict with Dragon

Clashes with Dog

Causing hurt with Dragon

Incompatible with Rabbit

Damaging with Ox

Year on duty : 1928, 1988, 2048......(+60)

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A brief history of the Great General Zhao Da (赵大) user posted image

Wu Chen ‘Tai sui’ was born during the period of the Three Kingdoms at He Nan(河南) . He was known as Zhao Da (赵大) . When he was young, Zhao Da followed his master from the Han Dynasty and learned the folk art on equation. Zhao Da had a well-developed mind and was able to tell from astronomical phenomenon that there was good energy at the southeastern end and so he left the mainland and went over and offered his service to Marshal Sun Quan of Eastern Wu.

Zhao Da was well versed in mathematical skill and was excellent in applying the formulae. Whenever a problem was encountered, he was able to apply his quantification skill to derive at the correct decision. When he saw some locusts flew past, he was able to immediately work out the total number of locusts there were in all. He was able to anticipate on latent matters and was able to predict correctly on almost every of such latent matter. Some tested his ability by leaving a few trays of beans before him and he was able to provide the correct answer on the number of beans in total.

Whenever Marshal Sun led his troops to war, he would first consult Zhao Da to make a prediction on the outcome of this mission and he was right all the time. Zhao Da also makes an accurate prediction on the day and year of his demise. He died on the exact date that he predicted. Marshal Sun had attempted to learn the skill from Zhao Da but Zhao Da viewed that it was secret gift from Heaven, which could not be imparted. Owing to that, he gradually lost favor from Marshal Sun and did not ever obtain any ministerial position.

 Ji Si 'Tai sui' the Great General Guo Can

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Zodiac = Snake

Conflict with Snake

Clashed hurt with Pig

Incompatible with Tiger

Damaging with Monkey

Year on duty : 1929, 1989, 2049......(+60)

 A brief history of the Great General Guo Can (郭灿)user posted image

Ji Si ‘tai sui’ was born during the Ming Dynasty at An Yang (安阳). His name was Guo Can (郭灿) and after he passed the Imperial examination became royal graduate. He later took up official position.

As the neighboring land was rampant with bandits invasion, Guo Can felt that instead of doing nothing and waiting for the bandits to eventually move over to his territory which might then be too late for anything to be done, he selected a few of his fine men and took the initiative to nab the bandits in the wee hours in the morning when the bandits were unaware.

Guo Can’s father was also a learned man and at a young age Guo Can received teachings at home on filial ethics and was a filial son at home. For that he received much praises and appreciations from his clansmen.

In the course of carrying out his duties, Guo Can emphasized on being accommodative, tolerant and advocated amicable settlement over disputes. His forgiveness and punishments were equally appropriate always placing the benefit and losses of the people before anything else.

Geng Wu 'Tai sui' the Great General Wang Ji

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Zodiac = Horse

Conflict with Horse

Clashes with Rat

Causing hurt with Horse

Incompatible with Ox

Damaging with Rabbit

Year on duty : 1930, 1990, 2050......(+60)

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A brief history of the Great General Wang Ji (王济)user posted image

Geng Wu ‘Tai sui’ was born during the Song Dynasty at Rao Yang (饶阳) in Shen Zhou He was known as Wang Ji (王济) . Wang Ji’s father Wang Su in the years between 907-910 was an official of the Xiu Zhou city. At that time, there was an uprising of bandits in Xiu Zhou. The city was soon taken over and Wang Su was killed. The bandits were attempting to kill Wang Ji as well when he howled at them while clutching on to the casket of his father and said: “My father is already dead, what am I living for? I hate myself for not being able to kill all of you and take revenge for my father”. The bandits were shocked and moved by what Wang Ji said and let him off.

Thereafter, Wang Ji moved the body of his father and went into seclusion at the valley of a mountain.

After a period of time, Wang Ji emerged from the mountain to meet the military general Zhu Yi at the military general Zhu Yi at the military base and sought to eradicate the bandits and proposed his strategies. Meanwh8ile, the mother of Wang Ji passed away and Wang Ji took the remains of his parents back to Rao Yang. The mayor of Xiu Zhou related Wang Ji’s incidence to the Song Tai Zong, which led the Emperor to meet up with Wang Ji. In the year between 984-987, Wang Ji wrote a letter to the Emperor and mentioned that he lost his parents at war, became a royal scholar through public examination and later became chief registrar at the district of Long Xi. Wang Ji was well read. He had a strong and straightforward character and was not afraid to be confronted by the powerful. At that time, the Imperial court was trying to assemble stork feathers from Fu Jian for the making of the arrow tails. Storks being rare specie amongst birds and the country folks found it difficult to gather as much feathers for the purpose. Wang Ji subsequently proposed the use of goose feathers instead and the Emperor accepted his proposal.

Wang Ji later become the chief register in Lin He and then the minister at Zhen Zhou. Over there, there were many veteran ministers who abused their power to suppress the country folks. As Wang Ji was not submissive to such oppressions, he continued to execute his duties righteously according to the law. By this, the country folks could look upon the Imperial court to carry out matters diligently and fairly. The Emperor Song Tai Zong was very pleased with Wang Ji and rewarded him with another promotion as the supervisor minister. Wang Ji enlisted a few crucial issues that the Imperial court had to immediately look into which included the selection of the ministers must be prudent, distinguish between the virtuous and mediocre ministers; set right their attitude; abolish unnecessary complicated protocols in the receptions and so on. The Emperor considered most of it as relevant proposals.

At that time there was famine. Wang Ji personally supervised the preparation of porridge for the victims and recruited many man as soldiers for Hong Zhou to keep them alive. Wang Ji died at

 Wei 'Tai sui' the Great General Li Su

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Zodiac = Goat

Conflict with Goat

Clashes with Ox

Clausing hurt with Ox, Dog

Incompatible with Rat

Damaging with Dog

Year on duty : 1931, 1991, 2051...(+60)

A brief history of the Great General Li Su (李素) user posted image

Xin Wei ‘Tai sui’ was born during the Tang Dynasty at Long Xi (陇西). He was known as Li Su (李素) . At the age of seven, his father died and the family suffered great poverty. Unable to bring him up further, his mother sent him off to another family to be brought up. Li Su studied and was well read. He was later appointed as an official of the Imperial Court.

In the early years of Tang De Zong (785-804), Li Mi became the official of transportation and Li Su worked as his assistant. In the early years between 806-820, there was famine in the district of Qu Zhou. Li Su was then the official at Qu Zhou before he moved over to Su Zhou.

In the year 807, Li Su led his troops and fought with the bandits chief Yao Zhi An at Zhou Men vigorously. Upon his defeat, Li Su aggressively announced Yao Zhi An’s plot to rebel. That deterred the bandits from approaching him further with their weapons. Li Su was captured.

As the bandits proceeded further north to the capital to battle, the Imperial army finally defeated them. As a result, Li Su was rescued and received a thunderous applause b his country folks. The Emperor sent him rewards in appreciation for his heroic act.

Li Su continued with his good deeds in benefiting the country folks and used his influence to help the country folks such as the reduction of taxes without much publicizing. His good deeds were well appreciated and he became very popular.

Shen 'Tai sui' the Great General Liu Wang

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 brief history of the Great General Liu Wang (刘旺)user posted image

Ren Shen ‘Tai sui’ was born during the Ming Dynasty at San Wan Wei (三万卫). His name was Liu Wang (刘旺). He was studious, straight forward and with a strong will power.

Liu Wang was very dedicated and worked hard in order to safe guard the frontier which he took charge. In the years between 1465-1487, the Tartans were causing interference at the frontier. Liu Wang and his son created an ambush at the old city fort and when the Tartans arrived, the father and son battled vigorously with them.

Due to the lack of reinforcement and shortage of weapons, they were not successful in breaking through the encirclement of enemies and were trapped. The enemies ordered Liu Wang and his son to surrender but both of them said that they were there to protect the frontier and will survive or die with the frontier. There were eventually killed at the battlefield.
Gui You 'Tai sui' the Great General Kang Zhi

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Zodiac = Rooster

Conflict with Rooster

Clashes with Rabbit

Causing hurt with Rooster

Incompatible with Dog

Damaging with Rat

Year on duty : 1933, 1993, 2053....(+60)

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A brief history of the Great General Kang Zhi (康志)user posted image

Gui You ‘Tai sui’ was born during the Tang Dynasty at Ling Zhou (灵州). His name was Kang Zhi (康志) .

He was well built, had a heroic outlook and skillful in shooting on the horse. He was soon promoted to the high-ranking official in the military because of this achievement at war. He was further promoted as a great general because of his merits when he defeated Zhang Shao at war.

When Li Tong rebelled and snatched away about a thousand war carriages, Kang Zhi led his troops and defeated Li Tong, regained the occupied city of Pu Yi, regained the war weapon and the war carriages as well.

Due to his merits, he was further promoted as a minister and moved to Jing Yuan.
Kang Zhi’s father Kang Ri used strategy and prevented Li Wei Yue’s attempted rebellion while Kang Zhi’s son Kang Cheng Xun defeated the invaders at the border and beheaded thousands of them including the leader. The family members of Kang Zhi had displayed patriotism and were of characters of high morale.

Jia Xu "Tai sui' the Great General Shi Guang

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Zodiac : Dog

Conflict with Dog

Clashes with Dragon

Casuing hurt with Ox, Goat

Incompatible with Rooster

Damaging with Goat

Year on duty : 1934,1994, 2054.....(+60)

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A brief history of the Great General Shi Guang (施广)user posted image

Jia Xu ‘Tai sui’ was born during the Ming Dynasty at Gui Ping(桂平). His name was Shi Guang (施广). In 1465, Shi Guang passed his Imperial examination with high grades and became a teacher.

As a child, Shi Guang was very ambitious and straightforward. Though he was from a poor family, he was well disciplined. At one time, he found some valuables that somebody left behind; greed did not get the better of him as he returned the valuables to the owner.

When he grew up, he was very studious and became very studious and as a result, very knowledgeable. He was well read too. After he became a teacher, he set up a curriculum of study and adopted it very strictly. He was regarded as a very responsibility teacher. He set himself as a good example for his students in terms of discipline and self-respect. All of Shi Guang’s students have high regard for him and were all hard working and well disciplined.

Upon his retirement, Shi Guang contributed his life saving for the benefit of the society and was well acclaimed by others..

Yi Hai 'Tai sui' the Great General Ren Bao

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Zodiac : Pig

Conflict with Pig

Clashes with Snake

Incompatible with Monkey

Damaging with Tiger

Year on duty : 1935, 1995, 2055....(+60)

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A brief history of the Great General Ren Bao (任保)user posted image

Yi Hai ‘Tai sui’ was born during the Ming Dynasty at Jian Ning Fu(建宁府). His name was Ren Bao (任保). At the age of 22, he took the Imperial examination and became a high-ranking royal graduate. He was assigned the position of an official at Jiang Ning Fu (now known as Fu Jian).

At that time, bandits were interfering with the land along the border. Ren Bao assembled his men and fought with the bandits. He wrote his name on his back, his body, hands and legs and said: “To die at war is a victorious death. But my body is begotten from my parents and should not be left lying in the wilderness upon my death. My name is written on my body so as to enable someone to bury it”. His men all wept having heard what he said. Ren Bao treated himself no more superior than his men. He ate and slept in swamps amongst them and went hungry without food for days and slept in the wilderness with nothing over their heads at night. By that, he uplifted the moral of his men and eventually they won the battle with the bandits.

Ren Bao was infected with piles at the time he heard the bandits were invading. He bandaged the sores and off he went to the sea to battle the bandits. At that time, there were rough wares at sea but Ren Bao braved his way forward towards the bandits’ ship and defeated them. He captured and beheaded a hundred over bandits.

After the situation has been stabilized the subsequent year, Ren Bao moved over to Shan Dong where he was offered higher position and involved in politics.

Bing Zi 'Tai sui' the Great General Guo Jia

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Zodiac : Rat

Conflict with Rat

Clashes with Horse

Causing hurt with Rabbit

Incompatible with Goat

Damaging with Rooster

Year on duty : 1936, 1996, 2056.....(+60)

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A brief history of the Great General


 brief history of the Great General Guo Jia (郭嘉) user posted image

Bing Zi ‘Tai sui’ was born during the Yuan Dynasty at Pu Yang(濮阳). His name was Guo Jia (郭嘉). He was ambitious and generous. When he became a high rank royal graduate, he was positioned as a magistrate of Lin Zhou.

At that time, bandits were all over the Liao Dong region and the society was very instable. Guo Jia was administering the city by himself without external support. As a result, he used all his personal belongings and used them as rewards and incentives for volunteers who helped guard the city.

Guo Jai was under coerced and threat by a bandits’ representative to surrender and abandon the city. Guo Jia killed the representative, wide open the city gate and supervised the battle.

He was nevertheless defeated and killed because he was fighting the exhaustive battle alone. The Imperial Court honored Guo Jia as a loyal and devoted official to the Imperial Court and offered prayers to him every year.




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